These ornate pendants, adorned with deep blue stones and elaborate gold filigree, radiate a sense of mystery and sacred authority. The craftsmanship suggests they are revered items, perhaps relics of the Tiubetha Guild, reserved for moments of divine invocation or ceremonial rites.
This set is known as the Ornaments of the Celestial Waters, each piece representing a different aspect of Sybil’s blessings:
- Pendant of the Abyssal Eye: The largest and most central piece, with a vibrant blue stone, symbolizes Sybil’s all-seeing presence over the desert and waters. Those who wear it are said to gain visions during rituals, glimpses into the hidden realms where the Cohort of Kusha flows eternally.
- Tears of the Desert: Smaller pendants, dangling like droplets, represents the rare but life-sustaining rains that bless the arid lands. These are worn by the guild’s priests during rain-calling ceremonies, believed to invoke the mercy of Sybil to send rain to the drought-stricken lands.
- The Seeker’s Token: Another piece is an amulet worn by those who embark on pilgrimages or journeys on behalf of the guild. It is thought to protect the wearer from physical and spiritual harm, ensuring safe passage through the desert’s trials.
These pieces are used only by select members of the guild, such as high priestesses or ritual leaders, with each ornament passed down through generations and imbued with stories and blessings from previous wearers.